Azelaic acid

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Azelaic Acid & Hair Growth

AZELAIC ACID & HAIR GROWTH   Elzbieta E.Brand-Garnys M.Sc., Dr.Hans M.Brand   Hair grows everywhere on our body except on the palms of our hands and the soles of our feet. An average human adult is the proud owner of approximately 150,000 hairs on her/his head, but also loses up to 100 of them per […]

The many functions of azelaic acid

The many functions of azelaic acid Abstract Exploring an ingredient with multiple different cosmetic uses In Ayurveda the grains of wheat, barley and rye have been used since time immemorial for the treatment of topical hyperpigmentation. Some 3,000 years later it was shown that this property boils down to partial inhibition of tyrosinase – the […]


KERATOLYTIC TREATMENTS FOR ACNE: AZELAIC ACID Recently Howard Maibach and Ali Alikhan of respectively the Mayo Clinic and the University of California School of Medicine published a short review on keratolytic treatments for acne (A.Alikhan, H.Maibach, Cosm.Toil., 125,16,(2010)). In Maibach’s review the most frequently used anti-acne agents were reviewed. Keratinocyte deviations in proliferation, adhesion and […]